quarta-feira, 8 de junho de 2011

Sophia de mello breyner andresen

Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen is, without doubt, one of the greatest contemporary Portuguese poets - a name that has become, synonymous with poetry and muse of poetry itself.

Sophia was born in Porto in 1919, within an aristocratic family. His childhood and adolescence held between Porto and Lisbon, where he studied Classical Philology.

After her marriage to the lawyer and journalist Francisco Sousa Tavares, fixed in Lisbon, dividing their activity between poetry and civic activity, and was notorious activist against the Salazar regime. His poetry stands as the voice of freedom, especially in "The Sixth Book. "

He was a founding member of the "National Committee for Aid to Political Prisoners"and its civic intervention was a constant, even after the Revolution of April 1974, and was Member of the Constituent Assembly for the Socialist Party.

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